Extra Pva Emulsion

Extra Pva Emulsion

It is a synthetic resin based adhesive havingvast applications in wood-working / furnitureindustry, handicrafts, paper and paperproducts, textiles and other allied industriesand also for domestic household applications.It gives bonding for wood to wood, wood tolaminate sheets, and other multiple surfaces. Itis economical in long run.

Technical Data Sheet

Chemical naturePoly Vinyl Acetate Polymer Emulsion
AppearanceMilky White Emulsion
Solid contents39 ± 1%
pH Value5 - 6
Viscosity30° C Brookfield Viscometer RVT spindle no 6/20 rpm – 200 to 300 poises
Bond strength60 kg to 70 kg / cm²
Shelf lifebest before one year
Available Pack Size50 kg / 20 kg / 10 kg / 5 kg / 2 kg / 1 kg / 500 gm

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